Our Vision

Help. Heal. Hope.


We are all humans. We all share the same world. Yet some of our worlds are different from others. 

We are here to help. We will do that by going to people and equipping people to help others. We can only do so much for others while on the ground. We must support them more than just the time we are there with them. 

We are here to heal. We seek to bring people who will help and who have been trained to provide healing. While some of this may be through physical medicine, we also seek to help others heal emotionally and spiritually. Meeting people face to face and being with them where they are is a good start on that journey.

We are here to hope. But more than that, we want to help others hope. I cannot make someone hope. But I can show them my hope and watch how that hope can spread throughout the hearts of humanity. We will partner with hope-givers around the world to let people know there is still hope left to be had. 

The picture on the right is one from the very first time I visited Côte d'Ivoire in West Africa. We had a busy day of clinics lined up. But in the busyness of it all, the little boy in brown was walking about with a straight face, holding something tightly in his hand. He didn't talk, he didn't cry; he just stood there looking at us. The boy in yellow came up to him and they exchanged looks without saying as much as a word. Then the boy in yellow took the shoe from the other boy and stooped down to put it on his foot. I asked a bystander if these two boys were related, and they said they were not. When the boy's shoe was put on, the boy in yellow simply stood up and walked away. This moment is forever etched upon my mind. We seek to be for others what the boy in yellow was for the boy in brown. We desire to come alongside fellow humans and help, heal, and hope with them as we all walk together on this path of life. Join us as we seek to make a difference in the lives of those around us.


Jeffrey Cannon
VP & Co-founder
